Soul Care + Spiritual Direction


“Spiritual formation is not a cookie cutter process in which we say, “This is the shape you ought to take.” I think of spiritual formation as a process that rescues the soul from its deformations which have happened from all these unsafe places in the world.” —Parker Palmer

Faithfully telling and listening to our stories is one of the single most important things we can do as followers of Jesus.
— Dr. Kurt Thompson

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” —Maya Angelou

“This is the first, the wildest and the wisest thing I know: that the soul exists and is built entirely out of attentiveness.” ―Mary Oliver

If you reading this page and feel yourself drawn into what soul care might offer you, I believe you have been led here by a deep and beautiful longing. It could be a longing for compassion, for understanding, for a witness, for deeper joy, for clarity about a decision, for healing, for a place to grieve, for answers to questions, for rest. These longings are signs of life, they are signs of a heart that is thirsting for God. And I bless that longing in you today.

There is really no way to describe the deep honor I feel when I listen to someone’s longing for God as it is revealed in their story and in the daily, seemingly mundane moments of their lives. God is closer than we could ever imagine and I love sharing space with others to simply listen together for where He is.

Your story and soul are the most holy ground. As I have moved toward learning how to best honor others through listening, I hungered for training that would equip me to create safe, sacred space. This led me to complete a series of trainings and courses that help me approach your soul with the dignity it deserves.

I am currently completing my MA in Spiritual Formation and Direction through Richmont Graduate University. I have a two-year training certificate in Spiritual Direction through Richmont and have been sitting with directees (a strange word meaning “clients”) since 2021. I am also a student in the Renovaré Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation, which is a two-year immersion program incorporating training, practices, community, and praxis work around spiritual formation. In addition to this, I also have a certificate in Narrative-Focused Trauma Care through The Allender Center which is housed within the Seattle School for Psychology and Theology. Because of this, I consider myself a trauma-informed spiritual director and which means I approach stories with an attention and sensitivity to trauma and spiritual abuse. I am also actively in supervision, which is where I meet regularly with an older, more experienced spiritual director to discuss things in my own story and formation that might prevent me from listening to you well.

It’s important to note that I have certain approaches to spiritual direction (mine being: trauma-informed, contemplative, embodied, hospitable) but these are not the same things as agendas. Your voice, story, and needs are a priority within our shared space. My approach toward our times together are fashioned gently and collaboratively with you. There will also be moments in which I invite feedback from you to make sure our time together feels safe and spacious. I am committed to you finding that place, even if it means offering you a referral that better suits your needs.

If you are interested in setting up an appointment to meet with me, please reach out using the link below. It would be my greatest honor to listen for the voice of Love in your story and in your everyday life.

Interested in learning more about what spiritual direction or soul care is? Click here.

Disclaimer: While a Narrative Focused approach to engaging personal stories of childhood harm and trauma may feel therapeutic at times, I am not a licensed therapist. During this process, if you find yourself in need of additional support, I will be glad to help you find a therapist or health care provider in your state.


Special Offerings

I believe that almost everything can be a doorway into prayer and deeper communion with Jesus, especially creative practice. If you are looking for more embodied + creative ways to enter prayer with God, I’ve designed a few creative soul care opportunities with the intention to steward that holy place from which our creativity comes as a place to meet with God.

These are one-hour sessions scheduled monthly, based on your needs. Each session is $75.

If you are interested in sponsoring a woman to receive soul care, please email me. Thank you!

story writing/poetry for spiritual formation


If you have found creative writing to be helpful, enjoyable, or simply feel drawn to do it for the first time, these sessions are for you to explore the practice of putting pen to paper in the presence of God and compassionate listener.

Before each session, I will send you a prompt to use however you wish (including bouncing off of it completely) as you spend time writing a reflection. This can be a paragraph, a page, or even a poem. During our session, we will read your piece together and reflect on anything that stands out to you as we gently move toward talking to God about it.

contemplative photography


More than just capturing the perfect shot, these sessions are a practice in slowing down to notice the beauty happening right in front of us and taking a moment to memorialize + remember. No professional skills or equipment needed, your iPhone camera works just fine.

Over the course of a month, you can take one or several meaningful pictures and write a small (or long) description about the piece(s). I can offer prompts to help you get started if you so desire. During our session we will look at these photos and listen together for the invitations of God through your act of slowing down and capturing a holy moment in time.

vocation mapping


For women struggling with vocational calling, shifts, or burnout, these sessions will focus on your story, joys, strengths, struggles, and current conversations with God as it pertains to work and calling. Together we will listen for the movements in your story and for how God has designed you, gifted you, and blessed you.